This little applications is trakcing your activity on your Mac. If you want to improve your productivity, it will show you how much time you are speding on different activities and how you are wasting time (games). I tried several similar applications, like Time Rescue, which is an online tool with an agent on your Mac. Time Rescue is a freemium service, if you dont want to use the paid monthly plan and dont want to store you data online, this is pretty good alternative. Another application which I tried is Time Sink, which is doing pretty much the same thing, just differently. I like both and the ideal solution would be combination of features of the two apps: for example Timing can see which Notebook in Evernote Im using, so I cal clasify time tracking based on the Notebook. Good stuff - Time Sink doesnt offer that. What I dont like abou Timing is the "discovery" of new acitivites, which is not instant even with shortes discovery interval. Time Sink show you the used app immediatley and you can assign it to desired type of activity right from the menu, unlike Timing, where you need sue the app for a moment and then open its window and assign there. Again: combination of both apps would be ideal.