So, lots of high ratings here, so maybe it’s not the right app for what I want to do and that’s why. Thought though that this might be helpful for people who are looking for an app to do what I had in mind. I wanted an app that would track my activity (doc, chrome, filemaker, etc) and then let me assign that activity to my projects. This app will do that, but it won’t let you divide that activity (example: work on chrome) into different projects (clients). So, for example, I do a lot of work on Chrome—web browsing, e-mail, google docs, etc. I wanted to take the time on that activity (Chrome) and divide it into four different projects so I could track the amount of time on a project….can’t do that. You can only take the whole time on Chrome and assign it to ONE project. You can e.g. add to one project and to another by clicking the triangle next to the row for Chrome, but still, I wanted to be able to split up my time on google mail to multiple projects, so that doesn’t work for me.